Who is Dexter?
For any of you lucky enough to meet this sweet little guy you may know his love for cats. He's obsessed... like fully adores them. When he was a year or two old our neighbors had a cat who would come outside to play with him. They'd both run themselves ragged chasing, playing and rolling around in the yard like little kids or something. He's fourteen now and we know he won't be around forever but this opportunity to help animals in need started when I was a twenty-one year old who found her best friend at an adoption event.
It's his legacy.
Hey everyone, we're Brittney and Alex Valeski. Welcome to our adventure into opening the first Cat Cafè in Indiana, PA. Here's a little about us. From 2018-2022 we helped to rescue, foster, and re-home nineteen cats and kittens. In the Summer of 2022 we opened our curtains at 7am to find a family of sick, hungry kittens with their mom. We snagged three of them that day and their sneaky fourth sibling a month later. In calling around to local shelters to find them a home, we realized there is a major crisis surrounding feral and stray cats. During the pandemic, trap, spay, neuter, and release programs had to cease operations as a majority of their volunteers are older and were at risk and vet offices were working in a limited capacity. As you can imagine, this led to a huge kitten boom. Our local shelters were experiencing major overcrowding with waitlists into the hundreds. Our number one question was "how can we help?" This is the answer.
We hope to provide a comfortable place for our guests to experience the love and joy cats and kittens can provide and who knows, they may just find their new best friend.