Frequently Asked Questions
Your most commonly found questions are found here... we'll be updating as we receive more!
What is a cat cafe?

A cat cafe is where you can come to mingle with, love on, and potentially meet the newest member of your family! The front of the cafe is just that, a normal cafe with window seating into the cat room or plenty of work space to finish your project. Those wanting to visit with our cats and kittens will pay a small fee (covered later) to enter the cat room for 45 or 20 minute sessions whether they're looking for a bit of companionship or a new friend to take home, All cats at Dexter's will be adoptable and are excited to meet you!
How do I visit the cat room?

We strongly suggest making appointments ahead of time either on our website or by calling the cafe directly. The last thing we would want is for someone to show up excited to play with kittens and the room be full. We are keeping a maximum of 10-12 people in the room at all times to keep a healthy, safe environment for everyone involved. We will of course accept walk-ins when slots are available and will do our best to accommodate.
Can I bring food or treats for the cats?

While bringing in your purchased cafe items into the cat room is allowed (and encouraged) we ask that you please not bring any cat treats or cat food into the room. We are working closely with Four Footed Friends to make sure all kitties are on the same diet to keep everyone healthy. We also don't want the kitties creating any bad habits. You may just be visiting for the afternoon but these cats are looking for their forever homes and we want to set them up for success by encouraging them to be on their best behavior!
Is there an age restriction or any booking restriction?

We've heard so many people saying how excited our local kiddos are for the cafe... we're excited to have them! We do have a few rules to keep everyone extra safe. Currently there is no age restriction for the cat room but anyone under the age of 10 must be directly supervised and accompanied by an adult into the room at all times. This is just to make sure no one gets startled or is uncomfortable at any time. Kids 10-15 must have an adult present but the adult can stay in the main cafe area if they choose. 16 and up, you're on your own kid, if you want. We kind of figured anyone old enough to drive themselves to the cafe can probably manage to follow our rules ;-)
For animal safety we are booking out 10-12 people per hour. If you only see three slots available but are a family of four (or something like that) give us a call and we'll see what we can do!
How does booking work?

Booking can be done either online or by phone. Our current model is to book out 45 minute windows at $8 for adults and $6 for kids. Ages will be posted when booking. We also offer express visits of 20 minutes for $4 per person of any age. This fee helps cover the costs of caring for all our feline friends. We ask that you arrive 5 or so minutes before your time slot (once we're open) to give plenty of time to order a drink or pastry and go over the cat room rules. While we won't be throwing anyone out at the 45 minute mark, we may come in to let you know your time is winding down, we know the cats can be distracting. We will do our best to accommodate walk-ins when able but need to keep close to our maximum to keep the cats as stress free as possible.
How do I adopt a cat?

If a cat or kitten makes a lasting impression on you while in the cat room and you're ready to talk adoption please let either the cat room attendant or someone at the cafe bar know! While we aren't making any adoption decisions at the cafe, we will have a stack of Four Footed Friends applications for you to either fill out there or take home and return to the shelter directly. If you know before visiting that you're in the market to adopt you can be pre approved by Four Footed Friends by submitting your application before your Dexter's visit.